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Who are we?


I'm Sharon, a homeschool mum of four crazy, loud, beautiful children and I've homeschooled them for the last 5+years (or so!). I've gone through many curriculums trying to find what works (and mostly what dosen't) for each of my very different children and their learning styles. 


I developed these books mainly from a frustration of the lack of resources that suited our family that were New Zealand specific. There is so much out there but most was hit and miss with the kids either getting an "education", or being engaged and exploring their own learning.


I needed something that could cover a range of ages, levels and abilities that encouraged them to learn from resources they wanted to learn from, not just whatever was prescribed. I wanted something that gave them some direction - but allowed them the freedom to discover the answers the way they wanted too. 


My desire is for my children to Flourish in their education. To learn in an engaging way so that they remember what they have learnt - and the fun they had along the way.

I hope that these work for your family and help you along your homeschooling journey.

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