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We are happy to help!

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions:

Our Resources

How do the books work?

This book is designed to be flexible and to work for you. You can use it however you want to. You could work from the front to the back in order, completing a certain number of pages per day or per week. Alternatively you could study things out of order and do it by topic, or whatever captures your interest.


Want to extend the topic and go deeper? Sure! What to skip something that dosen't catch your attention? Go for it! There are no rules with this book. It is yours to own.


The idea behind making this book was to build a resource that gave enough guidelines on what topics to look for to help the adults, but allow children to set their own pace, do their own research, using resources of their own choosing. This allows them to come to their own conclusions about topics, morals, characters and events that have taken place from their own study.

What homeschool style do they follow?

We are what I call a 'bitza' family. We use a bit of this... and a bit of that..... You might call it eclectic homeschooling. These books are closest to a Charlotte Mason style, where you will need to find good books and resources to research, but also has an element of unschooling, an element of structure... its really a bit of everything. 

How long will each book take?

This depends on how you use it. It could be used as a term/unit study where you have a focus one term where you do some everyday. It could be spread over a year where you only do it once a week as a topic study. It can last as long or as short as you'd like it too. Its designed to be flexible and fit with you, not a rigid timetable. 


Personally, we took as long as we needed to cover each topic. If the kids loved something we focused more on it and went deeper, if they weren't interested we did a brief overview and moved on.

What resources should I use?

I wanted to make this flexible on price - so it would suit no matter what your budget. I have used these workbooks where I've borrowed every resource I needed from the library or internet. So you can buy this book and it could cost you nothing extra (aside from printing). I have also found some great resources I've chosen to buy to reuse again.  I recommend some resources in the workbooks, but these are NOT essential. Nor are they exclusive. This also allows you flexibility on how you teach and what you want your children to learn from.


There are SOOOOO many wonderful books, websites, people, places to visit, museums etc. etc. etc. that you can use I could fill pages to list them all. If you have a resource that you think would be a MUST to list then let me know! I love great resources!

What subjects are covered?

There is a variety of subjects covered within a subject. For example within history - you will study a bit of art, write an essay, illustrate etc. In Wildlife you will write some poetry and do some map work. This is variable, similar to a unit study where lots of different things could be included to cover a topic. 



What age group is this suited to?

I wrote this at one level, that could be adjusted down or up. There are essays and critical thinking exercises that wouldn't be appropriate for a Year 4, but these could be adjusted to a story or list of facts instead. If you wanted to use this as is, without adjusting I would estimate a Year 5-8 level. I plan to make a younger version for Year 1-3 in time. 



Can this be used in schools?



Contact me below for more details regarding your needs. 



I'm new to home-schooling

Fantastic! Welcome!


There are some fabulous groups and people that can help you begin your journey.



There are also plenty of region specific Facebook groups to let you know what is going on.

Technical Advice


I understand that NZ is not the cheapest place for printing and binding. I have made these a pdf for accessibility and flexibility. Instead of printing the whole lot at once, to make it more affordable you could choose just a section at a time, or the pages you'd like to do. 


Yes, there are a lot of pages. I tried to include as much as I could in these books so you got bang for your buck! You don't have to use it all, pick and choose if you prefer!


Yes! I have made them colourful. Kids love colour and thats why I've made them that way - to capture their interest and hopefully capture their love for the topic at the same time! Do you have to print them in colour? No, of course not!

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