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How do our books work?


Plan it out

Decide how long you want the book to take you. You could do one section each week or one each day. It is really up to you. Some sections may take longer than others - be flexible.


When you are starting out - just get a feel for what works well for you and go with it!


Plan your outings, field trips and resources around this.

Print your book

You can print and bind the whole book or select a topic and print as you go.

Stack of Magazines

Select your resources

Look at the topic/s you're going to work through and find your resources.


I worked a month in advance and made sure I had pre- ordered any books from my local library. Places like Book Depository can take a longer period. You also may want to check and vet any websites/books before your children look at them.


Start reading and exploring! Let the topics guide you, but let your children explore them how they want too. 


You can work alongside your younger child and make it more hands on and simplified, or leave your older child to discover their own way.

School Children
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